Do you want to change the author of a post in WordPress ?
Sometimes we need to change ( a post or article ) from an author to another different from its origin, we can do this without the need to copy and paste the publication using a different account .
In this article, we will show you how to change the author of a post in WordPress with a few simple steps .
Before changing the author of the article in WordPress, you must
Just follow the instructions in this article . If you just want to show your name to a post written by another user on your WordPress site .
But, if you want to show a different user as the author of this post, you need to make sure that user exists on your WordPress site .
You can view and manage all your users on the site by logging in with an administrator account .
Let’s take a look at how to quickly and easily change the published author of an article .
There are several ways to do this procedure
- How to change the author of the block editor
- How the author changed from the classic editor
- How did the author change from quick edit
- How to change the author of multiple WordPress posts
1 – How to change author from block editor ?
If you are using the Gutenberg block editor, you need to open the post or page where you want to change author name .
On the Edit Post screen, you need to make sure that the post is selected in the right sidebar .
Then locate the author under the “Status and Visibility” section and you will see a list of your authors and select one of them .
Then you need to select the name of the new author from the dropdown list .
Once you are done, be sure to click on Update or Save as Draft to save your changes .
Congratulations, you have successfully changed the author of the post in the template editor .
2 – How has the author changed from the classic editor ?
If you are using the classic WordPress editor, simply open the post or page where you want to change the author name .
You probably don’t see the author panel in the editor, especially if you’re just starting your WordPress blog .
You will need to click on the Screen Options button in the upper right corner of the screen .
Then this will show you a menu with several options that you can show or hide on that post’s edit screen .
Follow the steps and click the checkbox next to the author option .
The author panel should now appear on the screen .
Then you need to click on the name of the current author and then you will see a list of available authors to choose .
When choosing a new author, make sure to click Update or Save Draft to save your changes .
Congratulations, you have successfully changed the author of a publication using the classic editor method .
3 – How did the author change from quick editing ?
You can quickly change the author of any post from the quick edit screen while viewing all posts from the Posts » All Posts page .
First, you should hover your mouse over the post you wish to change and a menu will appear .
You can also click the quick edit link .
The quick edit meta box will now be displayed after that you will need to click on the name of the current author and select New author from the list .
Then you should click on the Update button to save the changes .
Good job I changed the author with a quick edit
4 – How to change the author of multiple WordPress posts ?
Changing the author for multiple posts using the above methods can take a long time .
But luckily for you, there is an easier way to quickly change author for multiple posts at once .
To update authors in bulk, you must :
First, go to the Publications » All Publications page . This will list all the posts on your WordPress site .
By default, it shows 20 posts per page and in case you want to display more posts, you need to click on screen options and change the number of posts you want to display
Now you need to select the posts for which you want to change the author .
After selecting the posts, you must select Edit from the Bulk Actions drop-down menu and then click the Apply button .
Don’t forget to click on “Update” to save your changes .
That’s it, we’ve successfully changed the author of several WordPress posts without modifying them individually .
How to improve your author profiles for SEO ?
Finally, you may want to optimize your author profile pages to improve your SEO rankings .
An author profile is what appears below blog posts published under your name .
You can add a short bio, links, and even your social media profiles .
By displaying an author bio, you can build more credibility and give your readers a chance to learn more about you and the authors on your site .
WordPress allows you to add a short author bio, but to add social media links, you will need to use a WordPress author bio plugin .
Apart from that, you will need to improve the author archive pages as WordPress displays a list of posts written by this author .
To optimize author pages for SEO, we recommend using the All in One SEO option .
Because it is the best SEO plugin for WordPress and used by more than 2 million websites .
Next, scroll down to the “All in One SEO Pro” section where you can add links to your Facebook and Twitter profiles and create an author bio .
Once you’ve made the necessary changes, be sure to click Update Profile at the bottom of the page .
Users can now see your new author’s bio below any post you make or change to your name .
We hope that this article explained ” Learn how to change the author of a post in WordPress” .