While WordPress is really easy to use, there are some common WordPress errors that can make you panic. That is why in this article we have solved more than 25 WordPress errors and how to fix them .
The good thing is that the WordPress error you see on your site was most likely reported and fixed by someone before you. At dr-wp, we have written tutorials on how to fix many common WordPress errors .
In this article, we will cover the 25 most common WordPress errors as well as show you how to fix all of these common WordPress errors .
Important : Before attempting to fix any WordPress error, make sure you have a full backup of WordPress. You can use the UpdraftPlus plugin and the method to install plugins in WordPress is explained step by step
In the event that you are unable to resolve your issue through the steps mentioned in this article, please contact your WordPress hosting company .
Let’s take a look at how to solve the most common WordPress errors (one by one) .
How to fix mixed content error ( 25 errors in wordpress )
Mixed content errors are caused by incorrect HTTPs / SSL settings on your WordPress site .
They may or may not affect the functionality of your website, but they can affect the SEO and user experience of your website .
Basically, on an SSL-enabled website, all resources must be loaded using the HTTPs URL. Your site may contain content using HTTP URLs, or a plugin or theme may load a file using HTTP. This causes a mixed content error as these resources are not loaded using a secure protocol .
To fix this, you need to find out which resources are loading insecurely, and then fix their URLs .
How to fix media button plugin not working in WordPress
The Add Media button in the WordPress post editing screens uses JavaScript to launch the media library and load. However, sometimes a plugin or template code conflicts with the WordPress core that can prevent JavaScript from working .
What happens is that WordPress combines all scripts within the WordPress admin area to improve performance. A plugin or template script can disable this causing other code in the script to stop working .
How to fix 502 Bad Gateway Error ( 25 errors in wordpress )
502 Bad gateway error is another confusing error that may appear on your WordPress site. This usually happens when the user’s request to the server takes too long to process without giving any other error .
This delay can be a temporary glitch caused by high traffic. It could also be caused by a poorly coded WordPress theme or plugin. Last but not least, server misconfiguration can also result in this error .
How to fix 503 Service Unavailable error in WordPress
The 503 “Service Unavailable” error is often caused by an unresponsive PHP script. This could be a misbehaving WordPress plugin, theme, or custom code snippet .
It can also be triggered by a heavy server load, a server glitch, or a brute force attack. In this case, it can disappear automatically within a few minutes. If it does not go away, you will need to troubleshoot and fix it .
How to fix 504 Gateway Timeout Error in WordPress
The 504 Gateway Timeout error often occurs when a request to your server is being processed through a proxy or firewall but fails to communicate with the upstream server .
You are more likely to see this error, if you are using a WordPress firewall like Sucuri or Cloudflare .
How to Fix WordPress Failed to Open Stream Error
The “Open Stream Failed” error occurs when WordPress is unable to load a file mentioned in the website code. Sometimes WordPress keeps loading the site and just displays a warning message, while other times it can throw a critical error .
The error message can be different, depending on where and why the error occurred in the code. In each case, the failure to open the statement stream will be followed by a reason. For example, permission denied, no such file or directory occurred, operation failed, and more .
How to Fix 429 Requests Error in WordPress
Error 429 is a precautionary measure to protect servers from abuse. This error is triggered when a bot, script, or user makes too many requests to the server .
However, if not configured properly, it can prevent search engines and other APIs from accessing your website. To fix this, you’ll need to find the misbehaving code, plugin, or service that’s causing the error .
How to fix entity request 413 too large error in WordPress
The servers of most WordPress hosting companies are usually configured, so that WordPress users can easily upload large images and other media . However, sometimes this setting is not high enough to upload large files or additional files .
It will also prevent you from uploading large files in the media library. In this case, you will see a different message stating that the file size exceeds the maximum allowable limit .
How to turn off PHP errors in WordPress
Your WordPress site may sometimes display errors and warnings within the WordPress admin area or your website. These errors do not prevent WordPress from displaying your website. They are useful for debugging, but your website will look really unprofessional if it displays these errors on the front end .
WordPress comes with easy configuration tricks to control how PHP errors are displayed or logged into your website. You just need to get rid of them and the PHP errors will be gone from your site.
How to fix secure connection error in WordPress
WordPress comes with an update management system that regularly checks for updates available on the WordPress.org website. Your website may fail to connect to WordPress.org, due to a configuration error on the hosting server, which leads to a secure connection error .
Updates play an important role in WordPress security and performance. This is why you need to fix this error to resume WordPress updates .
How to fix destination folder already exists error in WordPress
This error occurs while installing a WordPress theme or plugin. WordPress extracts the plugin or theme zip file into a folder with the same file name .
If a folder with the same name already exists, WordPress will uninstall with the following error message .
- Destination folder already exists . /home/user/example.com/wp-content/plugins/wpforms/
- Plugin installation failed .
To fix this, just delete the current folder and then proceed with the installation .
How to fix “Another update is in process” error in WordPress
This error usually appears during the basic WordPress update process. If a user initiates another update while an update is already in progress, they will see this error message .
What happens is that WordPress automatically sets the update lock option on the database . This database option prevents you from running synchronous updates on your website .
This option will automatically disappear after a while. However, if it doesn’t happen or you don’t want to wait, you can also fix it manually .
How to fix password reset key error in WordPress
This error forces the login page to keep refreshing and will not allow you to save the password reset key. While the front end of your website is working normally, you will not be able to login and work on your website .
This is caused by a lack of disk space on your WordPress hosting account. Since there is no more disk space, WordPress fails to save the new data to the database. The easy way to fix this is to simply delete some unnecessary files from your website .
How to Fix Temporary Folder Missing Error in WordPress
This error occurs when WordPress cannot access the folder that PHP uses to store temporary files. The error disrupts WordPress media uploads, plugins, and theme installations .
To fix this error, you will need to specify a temporary folder for WordPress to use or ask your WordPress hosting provider to fix it for you .
How to fix Pluggable.php file errors ( 25 errors in wordpress )
The Pluggable.php file contains some basic WordPress functions that users and developers can override in their code. However, if your custom WordPress plugin or code snippet fails to properly handle one of these functions, you will see an error like this :
Warning : Header information cannot be modified – headers already sent by
(output started at /home/username/demosite/wp-content/themes/mytheme/functions.php:1035) /home/username/demosite/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 11791179
Sometimes you may be able to continue working on your site despite the error, and sometimes the error is fatal and makes your site completely inaccessible .
How to fix common SSL issues in WordPress
SSL/HTTPS enabled sites use a unique SSL certificate for identification purposes. If the server is pretending to be running on HTTPS, and its certificate does not match, most modern browsers will warn the user not to connect to the website .
The easiest way to fix this is to ask your WordPress hosting provider to properly install your SSL certificate .
How to fix file and folder permissions error ( 25 errors in wordpress )
WordPress needs specific file and folder permissions to work properly. Most of the WordPress hosting companies already have them set up but these permissions may change accidentally or due to a configuration error .
You can set these permissions manually using an FTP client. Simply select all WordPress files and folders and then recursively apply permissions to the folders and files .
You will need to set all folder permissions to 755 and all file permissions to 655 .
How to fix HTTP image upload error ( 25 errors in wordpress )
Are you seeing an HTTP error when trying to upload images or media to your WordPress site? There are a number of things that can lead to an HTTP error when uploading files using the WordPress media uploader .
Most of the time, this error is a temporary problem and gets resolved within a few minutes. However, other times it becomes persistent and needs further investigation .
How to fix your connection is not a particular error
“Your connection is not private” error appears on websites that use SSL / HTTPs protocol when your browser is unable to validate the SSL certificate issued by the website .
Most of the popular browsers will display the error message instead of your website, resulting in a sudden drop in website traffic and damage to your brand image .
The problem is to find out the cause of this error .
How to fix “The link you followed has expired” error in WordPress
This error usually occurs when you are trying to upload a WordPress theme or plugin to your website from the WordPress admin area .
WordPress hosting companies put a limit on the sizes of files you can upload and how long a script can run on a website. If the file you upload is large or takes longer to upload, you will see the error “The link you followed has expired” .
Depending on the cause of the error, you need to increase the memory limit and file upload size in WordPress .
How to fix a WordPress site that won’t update right away
Is your WordPress site not showing your recent changes? The most common cause of this problem is caching .
Essentially, a browser or WordPress caching plugin caches a version of each page rendered on your website. This allows them to quickly serve pages instead of requiring a fresh copy from your server .
If your website does not update immediately, the most likely reason is that you are viewing a cached version .
How to fix “Failed to load resources” error ( 25 errors in wordpress )
WordPress includes several files when you load any page on your website. Behind the scenes, each page load contains many images, text, style sheets, and more. These files are then downloaded by the user’s browser .
However, if these files are not found, you will see a “Resource Failed” error in your browser’s scan tool .
The easiest solution is to make sure the file already exists on your website .
However, if that doesn’t work, you need to check your WordPress URLs to make sure they are correct .
How to Fix Temporary Folder Missing Error in WordPress
WordPress caches files in a temporary folder when uploading media and upgrading plugins and themes .
If the temporary folder cannot be created or written to, uploads will fail with the “Missing Temporary Folder” error message .
To fix this, you need to add the following code in your wp-config.php file .