While WordPress is really easy to use, there are some common WordPress errors that can make you panic . That is why in this article we have solved more than 25 WordPress errors and how to fix them.
While WordPress is really easy to use, there are some common WordPress errors that can make you panic. That is why in this article we have solved more than 25 WordPress errors and how to fix them.
Important: Before attempting to fix any WordPress error, make sure you have a full backup of WordPress. You can use the UpdraftPlus plugin and the method to install plugins in WordPress is explained step by step
In the event that you are unable to resolve your issue through the steps mentioned in this article, please contact your WordPress hosting company .
Let’s take a look at how to solve the most common WordPress errors (one by one).
1.How to fix internal server error
Perhaps the most confusing WordPress error a beginner might encounter is the “internal server error,” or sometimes “500 internal server error” .
This error usually appears when something is wrong, but the server is unable to locate the problem. Since the error message does not indicate where you should look for the error, it is very much up to you to find out .
2. This website is experiencing technical difficulties
WordPress introduced critical error protection in WordPress 5.2. This feature displays a simple error message stating, “This site is experiencing technical difficulties” .
For the full details, WordPress then sends an email notification to your WordPress admin email address. This email contains a link to access the backend and try to fix the error .
This error message can be triggered by any of the fatal errors mentioned in this article. If you don’t have access to an admin email or can’t get your WordPress emails, it becomes difficult to know what’s going wrong .
The easiest way to fix this is to make sure that your WordPress admin email address is correct and that you can receive WordPress notification emails. If you can’t get emails from WordPress, check out our guide on fixing WordPress not sending email issue .
3. How to fix syntax error in WordPress
This error usually occurs when you are trying to add code snippets to WordPress and accidentally miss something or when the code has incorrect syntax. This will throw a PHP parsing error and you will see a notification like :
Parse error- syntax error, unexpected $end in /public_html/site1/wp-content/themes
/my-theme/functions.php on line 278
The error message refers to the unexpected thing in the code and the location of the script where the error occurred with the line number. To fix this problem, you will have to correct the syntax. Most of the time, this parenthesis is a missing chip, or some unexpected character in the code .
4. How to fix an error establishing a database connection
This error message states that your website is unable to connect to the database. However, solving this error can be difficult for beginners .
This usually occurs when the user enters or modifies the database credentials (database host, database username, and database password) incorrectly .
Sometimes, your database server may be unresponsive, or your database may be corrupt .
However, the database login credentials are often incorrect .
5. How to fix the WordPress white screen of death
This error usually results in a plain white screen with no error message . This makes it very confusing because you have no clue where to look and what to fix .
Most of the time this happens when the script exhausts the PHP memory limit . It can also happen due to configuration on the server. It is also possible for a user to see the white screen of death only on certain sections of their site.
6. How to fix WordPress posts showing 404 error
The symptoms of this error is that when a user visits a single post on their site, they get a 404 – Not Found error page.
The user can browse all other sections of his site including the administration area .The most common cause of this problem is the permalink settings in WordPress .
To solve this problem, the user will need to reconfigure their permalink settings or manually update their rewrite rules .
7. How to fix sidebar below content error in WordPress
Another common problem beginners encounter is that the sidebar appears below the content when it is supposed to appear next to the content. This problem is mostly caused by WordPress themes .
Sometimes, when users add code snippets to their site, they may accidentally forget to close the html div tag or add an extra div that may break the theme layout .
Another common cause is using a disproportionate width in CSS or not clearing a float correctly .
8. How to fix white text and missing buttons in the WordPress visual editor
If you are using the classic WordPress editor, sometimes buttons may disappear from the visual editor or start showing blank white spaces instead of buttons .
This problem may occur when serialized JavaScript does not work. It may also be caused by missing or damaged TinyMCE files, or a conflict with some other plugin that modifies or extends TinyMCE shipped with WordPress .
9. Fix: WordPress memory error – PHP memory overflow
Indicators of this error could be a white screen of death, or an error message like this :
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted
(tried to allocate 2348617 bytes) in
/home/username/public_html/site1/wp-includes/plugin.php on line xxx
This error occurs when your WordPress software or plugin has exhausted its default memory size limit .
10. What to do when you are locked out of WordPress Admin (wp-admin)
Sometimes you might find yourself locked out of the WordPress admin area. This might happen if you forgot your password and you don’t have to access your password recovery email .
A plugin or code that incorrectly tries to make some changes in the admin section can also block you. You may also lose access to the admin area due to a hacked WordPress site .
11. How to fix the WordPress login page refresh and redirect issue
The symptom of this problem is that when a user tries to login to the WordPress dashboard, they are redirected by WordPress to the login page .
Most of the time it happens due to incorrect values of the site urls and main url fields in the WordPress options table. It can also be caused by poorly configured permalink settings or a redirect setting in the .htaccess file .
12. How to Fix Image Loading Problem in WordPress
Sometimes, a user suddenly notices that all the images from their site are gone and broken image placeholders appear. When a user tries to upload an image to a post using the media uploader, it throws an error .
All of these files will appear in the media library as broken. This error is caused by incorrect file and directory permissions in your WordPress installation. There are a number of factors that may cause this problem .
13. How to fix common image issues in WordPress
Uploading images to a WordPress site can be confusing for someone new to WordPress. The user may not be able to see how the images are aligned, resized, cropped, or displayed in a gallery format .
This is not a bug or a problem with WordPress. You just need to get familiar with how WordPress handles media .
14. How to fix “Are you sure you want to do this” error in WordPress ?
Users may encounter this error in the WordPress admin area. The most common cause of this error is a plugin or theme failing to use the Nonce correctly .
Nonces are private security keys that can be appended to URLs when performing an administrative action in WordPress. Sometimes a plugin or theme may use it incorrectly which can cause users to see this error .
15. How to fix briefly scheduled maintenance error in WordPress
Sometimes due to an incomplete or intermittent WordPress update, you may see the “Shortcut not available for scheduled maintenance” error in WordPress .
What happens there is that WordPress puts your site into maintenance mode while updating. If the update is interrupted for some reason, WordPress won’t have the opportunity to get your site out of maintenance mode. This error will lock down your entire site and make it unavailable to administrators as well as visitors .
16. How to fix WordPress not sending email
The most common symptom of this problem is that no contact form or emails are receiving WordPress notifications from your site .
This problem usually occurs because most shared hosting providers disable or restrict the module used to send emails to prevent abuse of their servers .
17. How to fix RSS feed errors in WordPress
XML Parsing Error: XML or text declaration not at start of entity
Location: http://example.com/feed
Line Number 2, Column 1:
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already
sent by (output started at
in /home/username/example.com/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1228
18. How to fix the 403 Forbidden Errors in WordPress
403 Forbidden error code appears when the server permissions do not allow access to a specific page. This is why the error is usually accompanied by the text :
403 Forbidden – You don’t have permission to access ‘/’ on this server.
Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
There are different scenarios when you see this error. Incorrect file permissions, poorly coded security plug-ins, or server configuration are the most common causes .
19. How to Fix Too Many Redirects Errors in WordPress
This error is usually caused by a faulty redirect issue. As you know that WordPress has an SEO friendly URL structure which uses the redirect function. Many other popular WordPress plugins also use the redirect function .
Due to a configuration error in any of these redirects, your site may end up redirecting users to a URL that actually redirects them to the referrer URL. In this case, the user’s browser is trapped between two pages causing the redirect loop .
20. How to fix “Upload: Failed to write file to disk” Errors in WordPress
This error can occur due to a number of reasons. However, the most common one is incorrect folder permissions. Every file and folder on your website has a set of permissions .
The web server controls file access based on these permissions. Incorrect permissions to a folder can take away your ability to write files to the server. This means that your web server cannot create or add new files to this particular folder .
21. How to fix “This site contains malware” errors in WordPress
Google flags a website with this warning if it finds any suspicious code that could be malware or a Trojan horse. Sometimes this is because your website has been hacked and is now being used to distribute malicious code .
Another common reason for this error is showing ads from low-quality ad networks. These networks may sometimes display advertisements linked to websites that distribute malicious code .
22. How to fix missing post timeline error in WordPress
WordPress has this great feature that allows you to schedule posts to be published automatically at a specific time. Most bloggers depend on the future to manage their posting schedule .
However, sometimes WordPress can miss scheduled posts due to a number of reasons. If this has happened to you more than a few times, then you need to address this issue .
23. How to fix the fatal error: Exceeded Max Execution Time in WordPress
WordPress is primarily coded in the PHP programming language. To protect web servers from abuse, there is a certain time limit for how long a PHP script can run .
Some WordPress hosting providers set this value to a higher level while others may have it set to a lower level. When the script reaches the maximum execution time, it results in the maximum execution time being exceeded .
24. How to fix incorrect Facebook thumbnail issue in WordPress
There are many reasons that can prevent Facebook from correctly guessing the correct thumbnail. One of the most common reasons is to set multiple images in the og:image tag where your featured image is smaller than the rest .
Facebook uses Open Graph (og) tags, and plugins like All in One SEO automatically add them to your site to prevent the missing thumbnail issue .
25. How to fix Errors in WordPress keeps logging out error
WordPress sets a cookie in your browser to authenticate the login session. This cookie is set for the WordPress URL stored in your settings section. If you are accessing from a URL that does not match the one in your WordPress settings, WordPress will not be able to authenticate your session .
That’s it, we hope this guide helped you find and fix the WordPress error you were facing .
And there is another part to solve more errors [25 Most Common WordPress Errors and How to Fix Them (Part 2)]